Annex D Financial Inclusion projects funded for 2023/24






AgeUK (York): Providing Benefits Advice through Home Visits



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Extension of their specialist Money and Benefits advice service offered to people over pension age, providing an additional two days per week of support in response to increased demand.

·           46 referred for a visit.

·           47 helped to make a claim.

·           £205,859 additional annualised income gain.

Some capacity issues with a postholder resigning and challenge finding replacement. 2 trainees were recruited undertaking a level 3 Award in Advice through the Open University. This increased AUKY’s capacity to for home visits, and ability to respond to demand


Experience Counts: 50 plus project



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Deliver 2 skills and training programmes for over 50s each consisting of 6 half day weekly workshops with wrap around support.

-11 Oct to 5 Nov 2023 (Tang Hall)
-7 Nov to 12 Dec2023 (Quaker meeting House)

Many participants are vulnerable and first goal is to build confidence. 1-2-1 input from trainers prior to the programmes commencing. Typical sessions include positivity and confidence building exercises, problem solving, writing CVs and personal profiles, assertiveness support, mock interviews, skills assessment.  Provide follow up support at 8/12/16 weeks with an initial follow up within a month of the programme completing. Support continues as long as necessary.

Publicised through informal partnership network (26+ agencies), attending Job Fairs etc generating referrals from multiple sources.

Seeing increase of employees who are affected by in work poverty contact through word of mouth/social prescribers as they seek improved employment to manage their increased cost of living.

Supported 17 people (85 hours so far) on long term basis.

o    16 people attended.

o    10 found employment.

o    1 became self-employed.



Coterminous CIC: Employment & Enterprise Programme



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Provide practical support and employment advice to help people navigate their way back into meaningful employment through focussed training and workshops. Aimed at York’s most marginalised residents many of whom are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.



·           13 people engaged in the project.

·           3 found employment.

·           2 found training or volunteering.

·           2 taken up tailored 1-2-1 support.

·           2 employers engaged with project.


Refugee Action York (RAY): Advice & Support, equal access for all



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

In collaboration with CAY continue and build on the existing project to support refugees, asylum seekers and migrants to access practical support, information and guidance, to relieve hardship, reduce isolation, advance education and improve integration.

·           58 people referred to meet essential needs.

·           13 CV support and applied for a job.

·           40 referred to other services.

·           72 regularly attend workshops.

·           30 people attended coffee mornings.


York Community Energy: Supporting parents struggling with energy bills



1 year:

April 2023 – extended to June 24

The project aims to increase the financial resilience of single parents/ families with children who are struggling with their energy and other bills, ensuring they get support with managing bills and keeping warm while saving energy where possible. Includes outreach activities and practical support on energy and other issues. 

Project hindered by collapse of key partner. Project was paused for a period, before being restarted and will run into June 24 on the agreed funding.

168 eligible parents reached

54 eligible parents receiving direct support

32 other agency staff attended sessions.

-        Data from March 24


Peasholme Charity: My Money, My Life



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

For the continued delivery of Peasholme Charity’s financial capability service, including activities to move individuals from a point of crisis through a stabilisation period towards a longer change period.

The ‘Financial Capability pathway’ will include a range of service options, including:

Drop-in support within a variety of community venues; Benefits Advice,

Crisis interventions, referral, and support to access existing community resources.



·           133 engaged with the service.

·           90 drop in sessions delivered.

·           133 people used drop in service.

·        64 people engaged in supported learning activities.

Managing welfare benefits – 18

Managing utilities – 18

Control cost of living - 16

Crisis work – 12

Accessing and positively engaging with specialist services – 5


Citizens Advice York: Financial Inclusion in the Traveller Community



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Continue to deliver advice to clients from the Gypsy & Traveller community and develop co-ordinated advice services with York Travellers Trust.

·     50 individual residents received benefits advice.

·     22 individual residents received debt advice.

·     £42,738income gains (50 residents)


OCAY: Benefits Advocacy



1 year:

April 2023 – March 20234

Deliver comprehensive advocacy support to clients (aged 50+) caught in the benefits system to ensure they maximise their entitlement. Provides emotional/practical support to manage the challenges many face in making claims.

·           247 residents assisted.

85% felt that OCAY’s support had positively impacted their well-being over the past 6 months.


       IT Reuse (Community Furniture Store)



1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Provide those on low incomes with a refurbished computer to alleviate digital poverty helping to reduce financial exclusion to enable people to manage their finances, apply for benefits, learn new skills, apply for jobs, access banking and
find better on-line deals.
Donated unwanted IT equipment is repaired and configured by volunteers to distribute to those who experience financial and digital exclusion.

·           182 SIM cards supplied.

·           294 devices supplied to residents.

·           14 IT work experience

·           294 devices donated.


York Explore: 100% Digital York Partnership


3 months 1/1/24 – 31/3/24

The project focuses on supporting digital inclusion across the city working with over 15 partners. This funding extends the post of Digital Inclusion Co-ordinator (18.5 hours p/wk) for an extra 3 months from  1/1/24 to 31/3/24.

Programme of 6 Digital Cafes on monthly basis across York.

-      3+ volunteers coordinated by Luke Castle working with the Digital Co-ordinator – estimated 175 people attended

Monthly 1-2-1 sessions at Explore venues doing in person digital support x 12 months – estimated 140 people attended

450 SIM Cards issued via trusted third-party referrals individuals who do not have means to purchase them themselves and so were digitally disenfranchised.



       Welfare Benefits Unit: Advice Extra


1 year:

April 2023 – March 2024

Continuation of the Advice Extra project, building on innovative practice developed over the last few years helping to underpin first tier advisors in responding to more complex cases.

Proactive follow-up of UC benefit queries and complex queries:

·     Supporting advisers

·     Ensuring accuracy of DWP decision-making

·     Identifying issues, developing good practice, shaping future advice.

·     In-depth support, including:

·     Detailed support challenging decisions

·     Comparative analysis of benefit options

·     Raising concerns with DWP and other national agencies

Targeted support direct with clients

·           111 clients had proactive follow up.

·           13 had in-depth follow up.

·           2 x UC briefings attended by 16 advise workers